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Monday, January 9, 2012

Time vs. Money

I have to say that when it comes to saving time or saving money, saving money usually wins out for me every time.  Recently my daughter's schedule ramped up into a tizzy on Monday nights and we found ourselves running from 4:20-8:00.  She is in an advanced orchestra group (so proud!) and we made the leap to Club volleyball.  Despite my best efforts, the winter volleyball team ended up practicing on the same night as orchestra - Monday.  Her orchestra practice starts at 5:15 and is 10-15 minutes from home and lasts 1.5 hours.  I pick her up and we race to volleyball practice - which has already started and is on the other side of town basically - while she changes in the car.  Now, you may have noticed that this is all during dinnertime as well.  Ordinarily, to have a healthy meal and save money, I would go back home.  But let me tell you how I've found the peace and tranquility of taking my laptop to Wendy's (where I'm writing this blog), hooking up my headphones, connecting to wifi, ordering a healthy salad, unsweetened berry tea and a small chili.  WOW!  Love it!  It is worth every penny I spend; I'm not rushed, my belly is full and it was a healthy choice.  Look at me: spending money to save time (although I am not giving up my frugal ways)!

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