Are You A B.A.B.E?

Are You A B.A.B.E?
Join The Revolution!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Oh this is going to be a long year.  Negative campaign ads, with their sound bite "facts", leading you to believe that what they are saying is the truth.  Here's the sad part:  most people you know will not take 15 minutes to get on the candidate's web site and verify whether something is true or false.  Ever hear of a "lie of omission"? Basically that's not telling you the whole story and letting you assume the obvious - even though it's a lie.  We are so much smarter than that!  But, we're often too busy to do anything about it.  My hope this political season is that we all - and I'm just as guilty - take that 15 minutes and arm ourselves with knowledge that will ultimately help us all.

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