Are You A B.A.B.E?

Are You A B.A.B.E?
Join The Revolution!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

When You're Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired

Ever heard that phrase?  I got it from my fav money guy, Dave Ramsey.  Sick and tired of not having money to pay your bills, let alone get ahead or panic when someone mentions "Christmas".  I won't act like I haven't ever had money problems.  I can remember the time right after I had just gotten a divorce, I had just sold my once-successful business and the economy had tanked.  My funds were - shall we say - tight.  I went to Wal-Mart for groceries and looked nowhere but straight ahead.  No end caps.  No nothin'.  I actually am not easily tempted to part with my money, but intending on spending or not, it's no fun to look around and know that you can't - or shouldn't - buy anything but what you absolutely need.

Once I was enlightened to how to really fix the problem of having money control my life instead of me controlling my money - and keep in mind, I have a always been a "saver" - my life has changed.  The stress about the "what-ifs" are gone!  How can you accomplish this?  Sister, I tell you, it takes a written plan and sticking to it.  I am a very goal oriented person and I love to win - and I am here to tell you that if you want success out of any goal, you better write that thing down and POST it where you can see it every day!

There are many financial folks who can help you out.  I'll make it easy & give ya four:  Dave Ramsey,
David Bach, Suze Orman and Jean Chatzky.  Each one of these wonderful and talented people will tell you the same thing: plan, get out of debt, control your spending and save for a rainy day - cause it rains all the time!

I could go on and on because this is so central to what Being A Better Earthling is all about. We want to control our money so we don't waste it and waste precious resources.   We want to respect and control our money so we can be free!  And there is no better time than NOW>>

  • Write down who you are buying for
  • Write down what you have to spend
  • Stick to it!
And lest you allow your bad elf brain to deceive you:
The manner of giving is worth more than the gift.  ~Pierre Corneille, Le Menteur
 You give but little when you give of your possessions.  It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.  ~Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet
 It isn't the size of the gift that matters, but the size of the heart that gives it.  ~Quoted in The Angels' Little Instruction Book by Eileen Elias Freeman, 1994

Monday, November 21, 2011

How a B.A.B.E plans for Thanksgiving...

Throwing a big dinner party for Thanksgiving is a perfect time to show how you can be the ultimate  B.A.B.E!  Let us show you how you can  be healthy, save money & consider the environment. Ready?  Here we go! >> 

Health:  Vow to stay positive. Do accept help. Offer healthy food options.  Don't overdo the alcohol.  Remember what you're thankful for - and verbalize it.
Money:  Stick to your budget.  Don't over-buy food - no one will go hungry.   We have a few more....

Check out more of our tips on, you guessed it:  

Just tryin' to bring you into the fold!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

30 Days of Giving Thanks.....

It's November!  More specifically, November 1, 2011.  For the next 30 days, in the theoretical remembrance of Thanksgiving (pretending the settlers were kind to the Indians), what a fantastic time to remember what we're thankful for!

Maybe you don't have the car you want, the job you want, or even the mate, whatever.  But, try looking at things this way:  I have a car and working towards one that I really like and can afford.  I can see it.  I'm not happy in my job, but I'll make the best of it while putting my name out there to find what I really want.  I'm thankful I'm employed in this economy.
When you focus on the positive - which is not the same as settling for what you don't like/want - you become a happier person with the right frame of mind to pursue an even better life!  

Let's band together & really kick off these last few months of 2011 with positive energy!  Log on to our Facebook page and join the discussion and share what you are thankful for - anything!  Unless it's gross or way too private,t hen please....yikes.......
Here's to being thankful, happy & successful in life!