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Monday, May 23, 2011

Jumpin' in the Great Outdoors!

Sometimes, going downstairs or to the gym, indoors, just sucks.  Today was one of those days.  It had rained all morning and the sun was now out with a gentle breeze.  Birds were out & my cats were dying to get out - not to eat the birds; my cats are not allowed to eat my songbirds - house rules.

Jumpin' around in the backyard!
So, I spent 5 minutes & hauled all my portable equipment to my backyard.  I improvised on some exercises by using bands wrapped around a tree trunk, did my jump-ups on my favorite old log - I even have a name for this exercise - Stump Jumps!  I used a Swiss Ball instead of a bench and you can do push-ups anywhere.  It takes very little equipment to get in a good workout in the great outdoors!

I'm sure there are a ton of stats on how your endorphins really respond to fresh air or something and other things that really, I don't care about.  To be honest, it just plain feels good to get outside on a nice day.  The sunshine on your face, smell the smells and hear the sounds.  It's great to get fresh air and I felt really Rocky-like (like Rocky 3 or 4 or whichever one he fought Dolph Lundgren & had to train in a barn) improvising my exercises and equipment.  It was a good day.

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