Are You A B.A.B.E?

Are You A B.A.B.E?
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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Does Your Vacation Match Your Money?

Planning your vacation?  Vacations are tricky; we need them - the time off- but can we afford them?  Over the past few years, as I've been on my own financial journey, I've been stunned about friends' attitudes about vacation.  Specifically, about their outlook about their vacation dollars - or lack thereof.  I will never forget, for some reason, my friend saying, "We absolutely cannot afford to go on vacation, but we're going anyway".  I was stunned.  This wasn't a situation where they were going to have the money shortly, they weren't going to have it in the foreseeable future and they were going to charge the trip.  As women of the world - as B.A.B.Es - we have an obligation to lead our family on the right path to financial success.  Financial success = freedom = going wherever you want 'cause you have the money!

Look, we all work hard.  We all need a break.  But "I deserve this vacation" may not be the best attitude to have, as it fools your brain.  Deserve & need are two different things.  Sure, we may have worked hard enough to earn the time off, to definitely need that break.  Does that break need to be a $1,000 vacation?  How much will you have actually paid for that vacation once you've charged it and paid interest?

Consider this:  While you save for your next vacation, maybe take a day or two at a time & do something that makes you (or/and your family) happy.  Go to a local zoo or state park.  Take a day off, in the middle of the week, and go to the local cheap-seat theater & catch a flick you've been wanting to see.  Check out an area of your town that you've not been able to get to and go window-shopping.  The point is to not work, de-stress and not spend a lot of money.  Then, start your plan of where you would like to go next year and begin a plan to ensure you'll have the money to go.  You will then be on your way to having a guilt-free vacation!

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